Unlocking the speed of “light”.
High performance sailing requires rigs to withstand some the world’s most extreme conditions. Our new generation of recycle-ready performance composite fabrics are revolutionizing critical sailing applications with dramatically improved strength, UV stability, ultra-high abrasion resistance, extremely low friction surface, and of course, an incredible strength to weight ratio.
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After two years of rigorous testing both on and off the water, Incidence Sails was the first to commercialize ALUULA Durlyte™. Trusted by the Biotherm team in the Ocean Race for critical sail reinforcements such as batten pockets, bolt ropes and other high wear points, Durlyte kept them going at regularly speeds of 25-30 knots (55km/hr) for weeks on end across wild open ocean conditions.
Explore our Fabrics.

Aluula Graflyte™ ›

Aluula Durlyte™ ›