Lightweight performance with a lighter footprint.
Those who create gear for the outdoors also want to protect it. Our 100% recycle-ready fabrics used in outdoors are a way of fueling outdoor adventure for those who want high quality, durable gear, that has the potential to be fully circular in the future. Our ambition is that ALUULA packs, tents, harnesses and so much more help companies on their journey to close the loop on production, while making their high-performance gear lighter, stronger and more durable at the same time.
Latest Products.

Nashville Backpack
Developed with ALUULA Graflyte fabric, a forefront of innovation in material technologies and represents a measurable step forward when it comes to the strength, weight, durability, and sustainability of ultralight performance fabrics.

Parbat EL Expedition
Parbat Lab's research and team takes a direct exploratory approach by developing ideas to achieve the impossible. Few elements, clean lines, uncompromising strength and lightness, these were the key points of the backpack's unique design.

Durston Wapta 30 Backpack
ALUULA is proud to have worked closely with Durston Gear on the development of the Wapta 30 – the first ALUULA pack to enter the ultralight market. The Wapta 30 will set a new standard in ultralight, durability and sustainability.

Rockgeist Panniers
Rockgeist chose to work with ALUULA’s most durable fabric – Durlyte. Featuring UHMWPE films fused to an UHMWPE woven core, Durlyte is unlike any other ultra light fabric due to its extreme durability, weldability and recyclability.

Black Diamond Vapor Helmet
Reinforced with a custom ALUULA penetration shield and replacing Kevlar® (ARAMID), the 2023 generation of Black Diamond’s pinnacle climbing helmet offers superior performance and impact protection, that is light as a feather.
Brand Partners.

Explore our Fabrics.

ALUULA Graflyte™ ›

ALUULA Durlyte™ ›